Recipe: Sea Moss Gel
May 1, 2022//Comments Off on Recipe: Sea Moss Gel

It is vital to clean and rinse the sea moss properly. Never use tap water to clean your sea moss, only filtered, spring or alkaline water.
I usually rinse the sea moss three times to ensure all the debris in the crevices are washed out.
- Place the sea moss in a bowl with your filtered water and scrub the sea moss in between your hands gently.
- After cleaning the sea moss, refill the bowl with clean water and completely submerge the sea moss.
- Cover and allow it to soak for 6-12 hours. Sea moss should have, at least, tripled in size.
- Place 1/4 of the moss in a high powered blender with 1 cup of water to start, blending for 1-3 minutes; until smooth and void of lumps. Add more water if necessary. Consistency should be smooth with medium thickness.
- Refrigerate in an airtight container, sea moss will thicken after a few hours.
- Consume within 3 weeks and freeze unblended sea moss to preserve.
Note: you can add different flavours to your sea moss such as fresh mango, strawberries, mint, blueberries, etc. Add the fruits to the blender when blender the sea moss and refrigerate as stated above. Flavoured sea moss will spoil at a faster rate than unflavoured sea moss.