Probiotics: Ways to get them

Let’s look at some sources of probiotics! These foods are all fermented by different probiotic bacteria. 


Who doesn’t love yogurt?! You can put it in smoothies, oats, desserts or even have it on its own. Ensure you choose yogurts with active or live cultures because some brands kill the bacteria through processing. 


This is a fermented probiotic milk drink that can even be tolerated by people with lactose intolerance. 


Fermented cabbage! Ensure you choose UNPASTEURIZED cabbage because pasteurization kills live/active bacteria. 


This is a fermented soybean product that is usually used as a meat substitute, it has a decent amount of vitamin B12 as well. 


Fermented Korean cabbage! It’s high in vitamin K, B12 and iron. 


This is fermented black/green tea with Asian origin that has taken over the Western world recently. You can buy it in almost any supermarket, pharmacy or even farmer’s market. 


Fermented cucumbers; they are low in calories and high in vitamin K. Eat in moderation because it is also high in sodium.


The type we want is TRADITIONAL buttermilk. This is usually liquid leftover when you make butter. It contains vitamin B12, B2, calcium and phosphorus. 

Cottage cheese

This is a type of cheese in which the good bacteria survived the aging process of the cheese. It’s high in protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and phosphorus. 

We always say eat these things in moderation. Although nutritional, too much of something is never good. But we encourage you to create interesting, healthy recipes with these ingredients and share them with us via email or DM!