Is calcium necessary?

We all know the importance of vitamins and minerals as it relates to our immunity and maintaining good health but do we really understand the benefits of all these minerals? Sometimes reading about them is like reading a blank page, nothing really sticks with us.

Our job is to help you know these benefits like the back of your hand by reading and reiterating these short articles. 

The first contender is calcium! This mineral has a host of roles and benefits that should never be ignored. 

  1. We know that calcium is in our bones; it is present as calcium phosphate (an alkaline substance) that can help make blood less acidic by demineralizing from the hard bone tissue. That being said, you can imagine how important calcium is for our skeletal system by the formation and mineralization of bone. 
  2. Calcium is essential for nerve impulses to be transmitted effectively by attaching to nerve receptors that accept the nerve impulse and pass it along to trigger a muscle contraction.
  3. One of the most important roles of calcium is its role in the release of hormones and function of the thyroid gland.
  4. Now this one is for the ladies, did you know calcium can reduce premenstrual syndrome?! All the headaches, mood swings, cramps, back pains, etc. could all be reduced with proper intake of calcium. Adults should get 1000mg per day of calcium; whether from supplements or whole foods. 

Sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, dairy, chia seeds, sardine, salmon and beans.

Insufficient calcium levels can cause poor bone formation, onset of osteoporosis, muscle cramping, stunted growth, reduced energy levels, hormonal problems and so much more. On the other hand, excess calcium can cause constipation and kidney stones.  Everything in moderation!